Why does my company need assessments?

February 1, 2024

Hi. I'm Melinda Hoffman. Back here at Ideal HR with Liz Parker. And today I thought we need to get to know Liz Parker and her business ventures a little bit better. So, Liz, what would you tell me who Liz Parker is?

Such a hard question, Melinda. But here's where I'm going to start. I love to work with businesses, to look at the whole structure of the organization. Start with the CEO and the top leaders to say hey, where is your organization operating now, do you have your strategic plan in place based on your vision, your values, your mission? Do you have all of that structure in place and once you have all that structure in place, then you can be the expert and run your business the way you want to run your business.

And you look at roles?

I do look at roles. So, what we do is look at the organizational chart, make sure they have the right players in place, and if they don't, then I start to help them out and that's where the assessments come in.

And then values come into this story, right?

Yes, values when companies are looking at their values, what they'll end up doing is saying, hey, what drives our decision making? How do we make our decisions? And it tends to come from the owners and how they've always wanted to operate.

So, so, so when we're talking about values in a company, give me just an idea of what that sentence structure might look like - I believe in this or?

Ah, got it. OK, so a lot of companies will say, hey, the values that we operate in this company is all about integrity, honesty, making sure that we're making money and anything that we do, making sure we treat people well with respect. Those are kind of some of the basic values that go into an organization. What happens, We've talked about the motivators before, what happens is I like to get organizations to use their motivators because we can have the whole team or even just the owners, take these assessments and see what real values are driving their decision making. So it gets more specific than just integrity and honesty, which we want everybody to have. So, we want what is very specific to this particular group.

But this sounds like the basis for a healthy company.

Bingo. That's exactly what it is. We're looking at organizational health. We're looking at how does the organization operate? Do they have everything in place they need to, and our assessments help people see that. So, it helps them understand who they're hiring. Are these people doing the things they need them to do? And so, if a company's brand new coming into this they're like, why the heck? Am I using these assessments? I know that's what you asked me repeatedly. And so, when they ask that, it's all about which piece of the business are you working on? Let's go where it is right now. And when we go there, there's almost always a tool we have that will help them sort that out.

Alright, so when we say TTI assessment tools, that's what we're talking about. You as the facilitator, look at their entire structure -the roles, the values, etcetera. And then you come back and recommend, you know what, I think we could enhance this with looking at this.


It's the DISC.

Yes, it's the DISC behaviors and the motivators drivers ant he talent which is the competencies, how well do they do things as far as the strengths go. It goes into the acumen which you know we talked about. How do people do they have the capability to do the job they need to do we have stress.

And we have little, short podcast on each of these topics, If someone's interested. But I'm looking at the general overview today and so all these things come in, but it starts basically with you working with leaders or owners and looking at how what they need to do.


And I guess there's some fear with this if people don't want to find out what they need to add. But you make it easy.

Well, I try to make it easy and you know one of the tools we have and not every business owner wants to jump to this, but it is our organizational survey. So we can create a survey that actually puts in place what's working in the company and hear from the employees on what's working. We can also do a survey that sends out to their customers to say what are the customers like about your company. And what I like to do is try and do that across the whole spectrum of the company, so that when the results come back, we can look at this and say where are the gaps that are not happening the way the owner is expecting it to happen. And normally when those gaps come back, it's a matter of facilitating conversations and communications, putting the structure in place, and with almost every one of these areas we have an assessment tool that will help bring the objectivity to whatever has to happen in that organization. I think that's the power of the assessments is the objectivity it brings. Because it allows people to be able to answer these assessments honestly and when the results come out, it's a matter of just uncovering. Hey, here's your strengths. Here's a few places that we have a weakness. So what dowe want to do to fill that gap?

And that might be hiring.


That might be development.

Development, coaching, training. It might be along the line of the team alignment. There might be a huge amount of conflict going on, so you might want to do that. One of our stress assessments is all about where's the stress level with these people. So you can look at them from a business and personal standpoint and say, why are the stressors happening? What's happening in this organization? And we know every organization is under huge stress. The emotional quotient assessments we have help develop leaders to be better leaders because as you're in your organization to in order to work with people, you got to understand people. And that takes emotional intelligence. So where do you fall with that? How can you develop that?

I always say people are tough.

They are!

And that's not really a criticism, there's just so many dynamics and these assessments show a lot of that and tell you where your talents are.

It takes the mystery out. It allows really the owners and the individuals to understand, hey, this is who I am. This is who my organization is. You know, when you ask me who I am, I'm actually a facilitator for organizations to uncover more potential. And for individuals to uncover more potential and what I want to do is be able to maximize that. I have mine is huge resourcefulness. I'm all about being practical. Let's get this into place. Let's make this as easy and fast as we can because you're busy trying to develop your business.

And it's almost fun!

I always think it's fun and I try to make it fun, right? If you can just have them call in and ask Ideal HR , Does Liz try to make it fun. So that's what we try to do right it's all about how do you bring all these components together and give something that the business needs?

Well, I would say that you're a very joyful person and that helps, doesn't it? Because we do have a lot of of stresses in the workplace, in, in our environment, etcetera. So, we have been talking with Liz Parker at Ideal HR. We've been talking about why you need assessments and how they can help you in your business. You can contact Ideal HR. And you will get you with Liz Parker. And thank you so much for putting up with my questions today, Liz, and we'll talk to you again.

Thank you, Melinda. OK. Sounds good. Thank you.